Corks for a Cause
For every Edenvale Cork returned from November 15, 2024 – January 7, 2025, Edenvale donated $1 to the Ronald McDonald House Charities
This past holiday season, Edenvale Winery supported the Ronald McDonald House Charities! For every Edenvale Winery cork returned, we donated $1 to RMHC. We couldn’t think of a better reason to finally break open that treasured bottle of wine you’ve been saving for a special occasion! We invited all Edenvale wine enthusiasts to pop open a bottle, enjoy it with family, and bring us the cork! And they did just that… over 600 corks were returned to us!!!
Why Ronald McDonald House Charities, you ask? The answer requires a bit of a story…
Most of you know that Edenvale Winery is a family owned and operated business; our General Manager, Anne Root, is the mother of Ashley Campanella, our Winemaker, and Daniel Root, our Operations Manager. This past year, the Root Family’s world came to a halt as Daniel and his wife, Emma, received terrible news about their newborn baby girl, Nicole. At only 18 days old, Nicole was diagnosed with a severe and deadly infection called GBS (Group B Streptococcus), which caused bacterial meningitis, ventriculitis and vasculitis, and resulted in Nicole having several strokes and multiple seizures. Two nights into this disease unfolding, Daniel, Emma and baby Nicole were life-flighted from their local hospital to Doernbecher Children’s Hospital in Portland, where they would end up staying for an entire month. As they were prepped to transfer, the nurses recommended applying to the Portland RMHC house called The Rood Family Pavilion. Fighting through the realities of their world falling apart, with just one phone call from Grandma, they were given a safe place to stay during their daughter’s life-saving treatments. While Daniel and Emma ended up spending every night by their daughter’s side in her hospital room, Anne was able to remain with them by staying at the Rood Family Pavilion, and Nicole’s exhausted parents were relieved to have a place to go during the day to nap, eat, wash laundry, and take a break from the hospital environment.
We tell our story so that you can understand the real value of what RMHC has provided us and countless other families. Things like a bed, clothing and food are last on your mind when you are uprooted from your life – they are there to make sure you have all the basic necessities. These days we are all inundated with charities and nonprofits vying for our limited ability to donate, and what’s worse is that the reputation of most charities can be quite negative; you can’t always be certain your donation is actually going to a cause you want to support. This past year, we had the unfortunate position of utilizing Ronald McDonald House Charities, and can attest to you, first hand, that what they do is for good. As you arrive, the staff are friendly and understanding, the family-friendly rooms are nice, clean, and designed to be peaceful. It is one block from the Aerial Tram making it a 5 minute commute to the hospital. There is an impressive sense of community with the shared kitchens and pantry where you can go and cook your own meals, as well as laundry rooms with all the necessary supplies. There are also large open meals hosted by volunteers at least once a week. The sense of warmth and safety that was provided is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. Simply put: they do a great job delivering value to families who need it in their most devastating circumstances. Our cork drive is over, but we still encourage you to consider directly donating to Ronald McDonald House Charities!
For more information: https://rmhcoregon.org/about/